Friday, June 1, 2012


Wow. So first, let me say...I LOVE car rides. I always have. For some reason, there's something about driving that helps me do all of my best thinking in the car. Stanley would be a prime example...I came up with almost the entire plot and scribbled it down on a napkin driving home to my parents' house in Connecticut when I was still living in Baltimore. Most of book two's plot also came to me while driving home from work, as well as the first chapter of book 3, which I also have already written.

The ride home today was incredible. I had one little hangnail in the ending for book two that I figured out, which helps it run into book three...and then...I figured out, in quite a bit of detail, the remaining plot for books three and four. So...I officially have a detailed synopsis for the entire Braderwood series...I just have to write it!

I'm going to type all night and get through some pretty exciting parts in book two.

Other updates...I have a number of authors, librarians, teachers, principals, superintendents, and parents that are currently reading or finishing Stanley. They will be writing reviews soon, so be on the look-out! Have you gotten your copy yet? Pick one up for summer reading!

Get it here.

Check in soon!

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